



It appears to me that too many people in the business community and in government are really only interested in procuring cheap labour and cheapening people - based on false pretences that this is the way to get best value for money from employees or people out of work, and foreign-trained professional immigrants.


In other words, the two approaches are being conflated and made to appear to be one and the same. The approach just described also seems to partly involve allowing most people out of work to be labelled by the mass media, and thus by society in general, as “unpersons” after the fashion described by George Orwell in “Nineteen Eighty Four”, with reference to the “Newspeak” language. This in turn seems to be rooted in the misuse of terms like “given up looking for work” and “dropped out of the labour force”, often referred to in media reports always presented as originating entirely from Statistics Canada


Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Newspeak_words




"An unperson is a person who has been "vaporized"; who has not only been killed by the state, but effectively erased from existence. ..... Mentioning his or her name, or even speaking of their past existence, is thoughtcrime; the concept that the person may have existed at one time and has disappeared cannot be expressed in Newspeak. Compare to the Stalinist practice of erasing people from photographs after their execution...."


It appears to me that what Canada is doing - with most people out of work - simply constitutes the same thing, in a slightly different form.


I would remind anybody and everybody reading what has been said that I have everything documented, and have also seen corruption in private sector business combined with obfuscation by certain government departments, all directed at me personally,  that everybody is trying to ignore or cover up.


The corruption referred to started with a “contract of employment fiddle” involving a job offer by The SNC Group (known as SNC-Lavalin Inc. since 1995) while I was still in the U.K. and appearing to guarantee employment for at least 24 months - but which the Quebec courts, based on the wording of the offer letter and the circumstances involving the “great recession” in Canada during 1981/1984, did not treat as such. 

