

Questions? Comments? E-mail Robert T. Chisholm, Associate Member OSPE, at attention_to_the_facts@hotmail.com






As an example of earlier misunderstandings of the problem, a Mr. Chisholm reports as follows on the conversations that he had at a book launch event in September 2009, with Terry Matthews and Claude Haw, in a posting on Tuesday November 9th 2009 submitted to an old Ottawa Business Journal online discussion board titled TERRY MATTHEWS BAGGAGE COMMENT to which their Editor Peter Kovessy also contributed.


Among other things, Chisholm explained to Terry Matthews what he believed underlay Terry Matthews’ view expressed in an interview with CTV News on August 28th 2008, titled "Tech entrepreneur's forecast for Ottawa is bleak". In that interview, Mr. Matthews expressed the view that government was ignoring Ottawa's high tech industries. Mr. Chisholm explained this to Terry Matthews as follows:-


I explained to Terry that I thought I had found out why this was happening - namely, because of the government's unsatisfactory system for reporting upon and analyzing the unemployment numbers. I mentioned the Statistics Canada report of March 2006, "Work Hours Instability in Canada" and also the "Ottawa's Hidden Workforce" report of Fall 1998; these are examples of important but very rare reports which were being forgotten and ignored in a very short time following their release." 


Mr. Chisholm reports as follows on his conversation with Claude Haw and recalls mentioning to him the Statistics Canada report of March 2006, "Work Hours Instability in Canada" and also the "Ottawa's Hidden Workforce" report of Fall 1998 referred to elsewhere:-


"In my one-on-one conversation with Claude Haw - before the speakers took the podium - I mentioned the issue of information and analyses necessary to marketing / showcasing the services of Ottawa companies  - versus the type of information and analyses necessary to understanding the performance of the economy, which is quite different.


If I recall correctly I mentioned to him the two examples already referred to, concerning certain important but rare reports which were effectively being ignored soon after being released. Claude Haw gave me his own vision of Ottawa's unemployment problem - which was, in effect, that it is "solved". He based this conclusion on several facts, namely:-


1.     Unemployment in Windsor, Ontario, was currently running at 20% (this, remember, is a major auto manufacturing centre).


2.  U.S. unemployment was currently running at 10%


3. Ottawa's unemployment was currently running at 5%


Based on this, Claude Haw considered that Ottawa didn't have a significant problem.


Points (2) and (3) were borne out by an Ottawa Citizen article, "Unemployment edges up in capital", on Saturday November 7th 2009 - just a few days ago. (10.2% for the U.S., 5.4% for Ottawa-Gatineau).


From this article, it was also “clear” that Ottawa is doing much better than the average for Canada.


As a result, Mr. Haw clearly was not aware of the true size and character of Ottawa's problem, or for that matter the problem in Canada as a whole. Apart from other things, he seemed not to be aware of past and extremely serious problems caused by mis-reporting and wrong analyses based on the usual ICT sector employment numbers coming from Stats Can and O.C.R.I.  - as evidenced by the Stats Can "Life After High Tech" report of July 20th 2007 and the Stats Can "Work Hours Instability in Canada" report of March 2006.


He also seemed not to be aware of the July 13th 2006 "Ottawa Citizen" article by Andrew Mayeda and James Bagnall, "Behind the Numbers...", which explained most - though not all - of the important points about how the Stats Can and O.C.R.I. employment numbers were being wrongly used to imply in the past that Ottawa's high tech unemployment problem was "solved" - when, in fact, this was actually not the case.


I also pointed out how the O.C.R.I. web site was indicating that assistance to employers with re-training expenses, from government, was available. Example: the Ontario Targeted Wage Subsidy program. Then I pointed out how this in fact was not possible for most people out of work because of dysfunctional government rules and regulations "behind the scenes" which were causing most people out of work to be dis-barred from using the program. Claude Haw was concerned that I was suggesting that the O.C.R.I. web site was giving out wrong information, but I made it clear that the problem was the said "government rules and regulations." Claude Haw also considered that some restrictions on who could access retraining assistance were appropriate and that people could do much or all of the re-skilling they need on their own.


He was also concerned about a big problem with some organizations, representing themselves as helping people get jobs, when they were not in fact doing so. I had told him earlier that I am connected with O.T.I. /Vitesse Re-Skilling. Claude Haw did not refer to any specific examples of organizations that he considered problematical; I said I would have to examine some specific examples of what he's referring to in order to understand his point properly.


Clearly there is a need for someone to explain to Mr. Haw what is really going on, and document it. We also need to "get to the bottom of" his concerns about some organizations, representing themselves as helping people get jobs, when they were not in fact doing so."


Claude Haw did not understand the problem, any more than did Jeffrey Dale before him. It appears that Bruce Lazenby, head of the re-tasked Invest Ottawa now (in 2014), doesn’t have a proper understanding of the problem either.


At both federal government and provincial government level, in general the size and character of the problem are still not understood any more than they were back in late 2000, when the trouble all started.





Questions? Comments? E-mail Robert T. Chisholm, Associate Member OSPE, at attention_to_the_facts@hotmail.com